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Understanding The Word Of God

 Understanding The Word of God is not a proclamation of a new doctrine, nor is it an attempt to confirm or enforce a set of rules governing the interpretation of the scriptural. This book poses questions, more questions than answers, the same as Jesus did during his ministry. In the Hebrew Bible, Jesus asked at least 183 questions, compared to the more than 307 questions he was asked. He only gave a direct answer to three. Questions are an important asset to teaching and learning. It is through the entertainment of questions that the mind is able to gain a deeper insight or knowledge of the Word of God. The content of this book is a process of searching for answers. The answer to many of the questions posed in this book is necessary to reaffirm the faith of the emerging generation. A generation who maintains the frameworks and vocabulary of Christianity while having lost touch with their substance. When pressed, the scriptures are quickly discarded as nothing but the irrelevant rants of ambiguous old men. 

Understanding The Word of God is an attempt to address many of the flawed facets of religious ideology and theology, as the world embraces a new and permissive order. Christianity once heralds as the true religion and protected by the Western world, is now being offered upon the altar of political correctness. The detractors are presenting it as a failed religion while its leaders glory in worldly excesses. This book reaffirms the theology that the spiritual journey is about the message of God; it is not about the art of preaching and addressing the motivational and entertainment aspects of humanity. The rights of humanity have trumped the rights of God, and Jesus is left standing at the door knocking.

Understanding The Word Of God is a doorway to the re-assessment of the seemly hidden value of the word of God.

My Search For The Real God

My Search for the Real God is a challenge to the pious elite, to take a walk with me, through the darkened corridors of religious lore and hear the voices of the forsaken souls crying out for hope.   The entertainment and prosperity aspect of Christianity has amplified our natural existence and bankrupted our spiritual heritage, thereby creating a new entity of suffering souls, those who are aware of the rejection of their immortal status here on earth and are searching for spiritual guidance.   They are aware of death, poverty and disease and are longing for a message of hope.  These are the ones Jesus referred to when he said, “Blessed is the poor in spirit, for they shall see God.”   

“My Search for the Real God”, is a challenge to the religious hierarchy to refocus their energies on the suffering spirituality of humanity.   We did not need to reinvent God, nor repackage Him and make Him sellable.  The damage that has been done to the believability of the real God is in need of repair, by those who profess to be servants or messengers of God.  It is the spiritual essence of humanity that suffers and cries out when the preachers, preach and our young people are left to struggle in the darken alleyways of abject confusion.    Where is that message of Hope?

Have we ever considered the possibility that we are writing checks in the name of God, and God is refusing to honor them and we are afraid or ashamed to admit it?  Jesus message to the angels or messengers of the seven churches in the book of Revelation should serve as a guide to the pastors, teachers and church members of today’s church.  

Earl Gillespie's 
Generations,  The Root, The Tree and The Branches

Historical records indicate that three unrelated events took place in three unrelated segments of the world in 1785. It was by providence that these three events were set to collide within the state of Mississippi, in the town of Starkville. A battle of epic proportion took place in the fertile hills and valleys of what is now called Oktibbeha County, along the banks of the Talking Warrior and Dancing Rabbit creeks. Overseen by the Europeans, an Irish farmer’s obsession, fueled by the sweat of the Africans, met the indomitable spirit of the Choctaw Indian. That meeting produced the Gillespie-Ward bloodline, a proud family name, though bloodied by the curse of slave traders, land grabbers, Indian fighters, and the Civil War, the Gillespie Family name is the product of an Irish family that immigrated to the United States in search of freedom and for the expressed purpose of making a new start.

Oppression was what brought these three groups together.  Yet each one sought to and was the oppressor of the other.  This scheme was set in motion by the European, the masters of oppression, they taught the Irish how to oppress the Africans.  The Irish taught the Africans how to oppress the Choctaw Indians. The winner of this cruel game was the ones who learned to play the game well. 

Here is a brief rendition of the three events that shaped the destiny of a people, who were born of this land and is a part of this land.  We are a people whose blood cry out to us from the ground, “Forget not to honor those who have gone on before you, and remember the events that have brought you to the place that you are today.”  In the immortal words of God, “Honor thy father and mother”, in the enduring words of Senora Gregory-Gillespie, “Keep the family together.”

The Evolution of A Failed Church

In the early days of Christianity when the light shined brightly, the church eagerly awaited the return of Christ to establish his Kingdom here on earth. During 1500-1620, from Augustine to the Reformation, a reinterpretation of the scripture took place. Among other abandon truths, the formation of the church was herald as the arrival of the Kingdom. This period was representative of the Sardis church age, (Revelation 3:1-6). The church was abandoning it true nature and beginning to walk after a worldly nature. Later, many Christian Churches discarded the interpretation of the scripture that formed the basis of this false ideology. But, it was too late to undo the damage, according to the adage, "you can't unring the bell". Children of this false teaching had been born, and they continued to produce offsprings.  

A proper and more fitting title for this book would have been, "Revelation, Jesus Letters to the Seven Churches." The author chose what one would consider a more thought-provoking title. The use of the words "failed church", does not sit well with many Christians. The indoctrination of Christian beliefs does not allow the ideology of a failed church. This book tries to reconcile the statement made to Peter in Matthew 16:18 and the threat issued to the church in Revelation 3:16. The Scripture basis for this work is the first three chapters of Revelation. There is a type redundancy in the seven letters addressing the overlapping problems of the seven churches. This book is filled with the same type of redundancy it addresses the potential of a church failing.  

The Evolution of a Failed Church does not propose a new solution to the problems that the church is facing today. Jesus has already identified these problems in his letters to the churches, and he has offered the solutions. This book is not a proclamation of a new doctrine, nor is it an attempt to confirm or enforce a set of new rules governing the interpretation of the scripture or the operation of the church. This book like many of Earl Gillespie's books poses more questions than answers. This book calls attention to the problems facing the church and questions the refusal to implement the solutions proposed by the Christ.  

From the dimming of the light through the abuse of power within the church, this book shines a light on the divisions that exist within the household of faith. It explores the first split of the church that opens the door to more splits upon splits. Children of these divisions were born Revelation 2:23, and Christianity now boasts a membership of more than 30,000 different groups, each with different doctrines and ideologies. This knowledge is the basis for the questions presented in this book.  

There is a plateau known as performing on the world stage that many seek to attain. The desire to be a world stage performer can be intoxicating, and the quest for that pinnacle of success defines the character of many who claim to be the messengers of God. "Evolution of the Failed Church," explore this paradox that has befallen the church and poses all the question that we need to ask yourself as we emerge into an unsettling future. Is the church just another place for entertainment?

The Pacification of Christian Values

The enactment of laws that in theory was supposed to eliminate hate created an environment that allowed hate to thrive.   

Once these laws were enactment, sermons, certain verses in the Bible and the teaching of Christian values were subject to intense scrutiny.  Appling the hate speech label indiscriminately became the focus of the newly enlightens.  For protection, the church scrambled to implement change, even the ancient focus, and direction of Christianity.  Subjected to reinterpretation the Word of God the church was able to embrace new and alien concepts.  To implement changes pagan values were intermixed with Christian values thereby forming an unholy union.    

We can use Biblical and secular history to document the effect of mixing pagan values with Christian values.  Once our values shift, the warnings of old tend to go unheeded.  The Roman Empire became weak and floundered when its values shifted to include Christian values mixed with Pagan values.  Christian values do not mix with pagan or worldly valued.  Christianity seeks to impress upon the individual or church to form a wall of separation from the world.  

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